Katie extends gratitude for the following partnerships.

For your bold move on June 3, 1991 to put me and my cause on your cover.

For making a documentary about my story so others might speak out, too.

For allowing me to educate a decade of your incoming students.

For inviting me to present your VIP Chinese guests about sexual violence prevention strategies.

For partnering to make the first online, interactive course to educate students on sexual misconduct.

For sponsoring programs for 23 high schools for three years in Duval County Schools.

For your talented administrators who have led programs and webinars with my team.

For asking me to help your schools better address sexual misconduct.

For hosting the first-ever conference for independent schools on sexual misconduct with me in 1997.

For five years of collaboration in creating and running the Risk Management for Boarding Schools Conference.

For asking me to present at the Final Four to D1 Coaches on sexual misconduct.

For incorporating my feedback on your accreditation standards.

For allowing me to share my story and activism with 10+ years of your seniors.

For getting out the word about RMR on your Office of Women’s Health website.

For hosting fifteen years of programs for your students, parents and our Respect My Red Institute.

For hosting 30+ independent schools at our Policy Institute.

For hosting delegates from 30+ countries at the International Summit to End Sexual Violence.

For asking me to assist with the powerful ROOM so more stories can be told well.

For allowing me to empower 15 years of graduating seniors.

For publishing so many of my writings about sexual assault and rape.

For Frank Doelger, GOT producer and director, for beginning your career with my HBO movie.

For allowing me to lead sessions for all your Heads of School and your IT Directors.

For partnering to provide education on sexual misconduct and technology issues to your members.

For bestowing me with an Honorary Doctorate for Public Service.
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