As a leading national authority on sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, sexual abuse, discrimination, and best practices for risk management and risk mitigation, Katie Koestner has served as an expert witness or advisor on 25+ court cases and legal matters. Katie has provided critical knowledge, skill, analysis, and understanding in helping judges and juries understand the importance of certain facts, practices, policies, training procedures, and events.

Sexual harassment and misconduct cases are often emotionally charged for all involved, and Ms. Koestner’s 30+ years of experience in working with educational institutions, corporations, and victims enables her to maintain a rational, calm, and thoughtful presence in legal situations, both civil and criminal.

A brief summary of her areas of expertise include:

    • Sexual Misconduct in Schools, Churches, Organizations and Corporations
    • Sexual Harassment in Schools, Churches, Organizations and Corporations
    • Campus and School Safety
    • Safe and Appropriate Use of Technology within School Settings
    • Acceptable Use of Technology Policies
    • Victimology
    • Best Practices for Risk Mitigation by Schools on Safety Issues
    • Sexual Misconduct Policies, Protocols, Investigations and Disciplinary Procedures
    • Gender and Sexual Identity Discrimination
    • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
expert witness

More about Katie’s expert witness experience:

When Katie acts as an expert witness, she does what it takes, once spending nearly 10 days in 110+ degree Texas heat on a case.  Sweating it out with counsel in rooms with failed air conditioners, she culled through every document and asked the attorneys for more paperwork necessary to ensure every facet had been reviewed.  It is this commitment to thorough painstaking analysis that clients rely upon Katie to be of extraordinary benefit in legal matters, no matter how complex.

With a CV of 15+ pages full of publications, presentations, and consultations, Ms. Koestner brings decades of experience to the cases on which she works. Her thousands of public speaking engagements and media interviews make her confident and comfortable on the stand and in depositions on technical terms, professional opinions, best practices, and definitions. Her skillful ear and eye are invaluable when she is asked to observe all the testimony given during a trial.  Please contact Ms. Koestner directly and personally to discuss any matter by completing the Contact Form. She is happy to discuss your case and how she might be able to provide assistance.

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