Guests: Deborah Halvorson
Type of Survivorship: Child Sexual Abuse, Intimate Partner Violence
Other Themes: Experts & Authors, Substance Abuse, Counseling & Therapy, Impact on Other Relationships
Suddenly haunted by repressed memories, Deb’s healing journey started once she found the courage to face the past. Her experiences of recovery and healing inform her work as a coach today, as she shares her voice and expertise with us to help us resist the ever-looming temptation to return to harmful familiarity.
Deborah Halvorson is a Certified Trauma-Informed Coach, as well as the owner and founder of Through the Jungle, a coaching business that works with sexual assault survivors to move beyond surviving to create and experience their own well-being and safety while maneuvering through the jungle of life. Deb’s newly released book – Out of the Basement-Beyond Surviving Sexual Assault – provides an opportunity to discover what’s possible when we shift beyond surviving and into a lifestyle of healing, hope, and empowerment.
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