Guests: Aishah Shahidah Simmons
Type of Survivorship: Child Sexual Abuse
Other Themes: Life-Changing Perspective, Faith, Religion, & Spirituality
In this week’s episode, Claire and Katie sit down with Aishah Shahidah Simmons to discuss her survivorship, and the trauma and healing that would develop her artistic voice. Aishah’s lived experiences as a survivor of childhood and adult sexual violence, a Black feminist lesbian, and a long-term Buddhist practitioner inform the creation of her work.
Aishah Shahidah Simmons (she/her) is the creator of the 2006 groundbreaking Ford Foundation-funded film, NO! The Rape Documentary, and the editor of the 2020 Lambda Literary Award-winning anthology, love WITH accountability: Digging Up the Roots of Child Sexual Abuse. Presently, she is a Soros Media Fellow completing her trilogy of cultural work that uses storytelling as a praxis to heal from, disrupt, and end sexual violence without relying on the carceral state.
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